Tuesday 26 January 2010

First Brief; Hovis

The Hovis brief asks for a selection of designs for Hovis based merchandise, keeping both traditional but approaching the current as well " one foot in the past, one foot in the present. " It is intended to be aimed at adults but those with families.

I want to create a range of merchandise relative to Hovis and their image, the bread and the family tradition.

I've had the idea of creating a print pattern that can be applied to a selection of mediums relative to the subject, but the ideas I'm warming to is the idea of a an Oven glove/mit, an apron and a sandwhich box.

The idea behind the oven glove and apron idea is that of the traditional sense, it's homely, motherly, suggested cooking and baking, something that is relevant to the culinary context of bread.

The idea behind the sandwhich box is for the younger generation, bread plays a big part in school pack up lunches and picnics so I think this will be an idea to approach the merchandise to the next generation.

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