Tuesday 23 March 2010

Alice Ideas!

One of the ideas for the bookmark designs that relates to the bottle design.

I want to attatch the READ ME logo ( A spoof of the DRINK ME label) using a ribbon in a typical bookmark tag style.

Hovis cont.

While I created my patterns to apply to my products, I decided they should be topped off together with a ribbon and a small label, rather than plastic packaging, to keep that homely almost handmade feel. Below, a few ideas for the labels, using images from the pattern itself.


Or trying for a simplier vectored based approach.

Alice Book Dev.

I decided to dabble with the format and ideas for the bookmarks that would be part of this brief, as I did I realized that they could correlate with a book design, while I have only decided to create ONE book design, I created numerous bookmark designs, each with a quote regarding the book design they work with.

Alice Book Dev.

Wanting to perhaps give the book a more treasure sense, I have decided to turn the tabs into part of the cover itself, this has also given me ideas for the bookmark part of the design.

Alice Book Dev.

One of the ideas I've decided to take forward is that of the one below, I have now begun putting into the book cover format so I can print and see how it will work covering an actual book. After a few tutorials and chats with others, this design was the one that was the most well received for the brief, and I personally feel it's a style that I'm going to be able to continue as I branch out in the rest of the brief.

Monday 22 March 2010

Memphis Belle!

Feeling reasonably happy with the logo I wanted to experiment with the application of it, below are a few layouts for possible gift bag designs for the shop!

More book design ideas!

Still continuing to experiment with designs and ideas for my book cover, below, another digital based idea using the symbol of the heart.

After a tutorial, I decided that while this brief is intended on being extended into an event promotion brief, I have also decided to attempt to create an design for an in-store display etc that will compliment the rest of the designs.

But for now!

Or the idea of spreading the heart accross the two pages of the front on the back, I'm not sure how far this could be tweaked to ensure it successful without changing the shape of the design.

Thursday 18 March 2010

More dev.

Trying out my current idea with the rest of the requirements, the band across the cover could either be printed or be a separate piece, I'll have to test this to see how this will work. I'm not sure how I feel this silhouette idea will work aimed at children, I feel it works best in black and white and feel this may isolate my target audience, not as playful as intended.

More colour variations, to see how the piece will work instead of just in black and white.


Experimenting and continuing with my silhouette idea, but inverted but still using just black and white.

Below, is the same but with the 'flaps' style additions that would go under the cover itself, this I feel would add a more classic look to the book.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

More Book designs!

Wanting to increase the illustration style in my designs for this book brief, using vectored images of the imagery within the book to create a 'falling down' feel as if Alice falls down the rabbit hole.


First exp. with a tophat style shape for the Alice design, again this needs more work as I'm not that satisfied with the shape working alongside the type.

The first bit I did was to use the hatters usual ticket in his hat to  display the authors name, but I felt the shape wasn't working, so I decided to split the works up, like on the ticket.


A few experiments with the teapot format, I don't think this is working at all and think the shape is way to specific to integrate into the frame of the front page.

More Book designs!

After consulting with a few fellow colleagues about my current designs for the Alice books, it was confirmed that I could use the negative space alot more constructively and it was suggested to increase the size of the main image to suit the format of the book more, so in this case with the 'bottle' design, below you can see the experiments with size and colour of the alteration.

I'm quite happy with the shape, but now I need to work on the type specifically and experiment with ideas for other shapes used rather than just the bottle.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Example on a Book layout.

Example of current design on a book style layout. Note, the type on the blurb on the back cover has just been placed, as this is just an example, nothing final.

I do like the way it looks on the book format, but I feel there is too much white space perhaps?

With a coloured background
 I personally like this version better, the lack of white space improves it but I slightly feel the bottle design is lost.