Friday 4 June 2010

Hovis Evaluation

I approached this brief initially as a simple merchandise design brief, but I realized that the merchandise aspect would just be more of an outcome, so I decided to turn the brief into a pattern based brief that can be applied to multiple outcomes resulting in merchandise. I enjoyed working with the pattern based design and almost regret not participating in this kind of pattern based brief before as I felt confident designing the initial illustrations and combining them together in a successful way to create a pattern that not only is applicable to outcomes, but can be 'tweaked' and adjusted in shape, form and colour to suit the media it is intended to be applied to. I chose not to screen print the pattern onto the two main outcomes to save time, and chose to use digital transfer paper to print onto the oven glove and tea towel, the printing method worked but it didn't come out as neat as I hoped, by this time I felt it too late to screen print so the pattern was slightly photoshopped on the photographs I took. Overall I felt this was a successful brief and reflects my pattern based illustrations well.

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