Friday 4 June 2010

Milk Packaging Evaluation

I have always had an interest in packaging, and specifically illustration based packaging, although it wasn't something I had experimented with a lot through out the course, so I decided to chose a Milk packaging based brief based on Moo Milks cartons to design a suitable package for their range of flavoured milks. Changing the brief into a small campaign allowed me to develop a tag line and approach that I could use to allow the cartons and poster to work as a set, and this I feel was successful. The design applied to the milk carton perhaps was the most stressful point of this brief, as I took perhaps too long to make the decision on which worked best but I felt, finally when I chose the chosen design, it was the most suitable. Overall this brief allowed me to develop and refine my approach to packaging and successfully apply my illustration styles to it, I do now realize I have to be more swift when making decisions and not to waste time by focusing on this for too long. I would like to continue to work with illustration and packaging after receiving some positive feedback on this brief from online resources.

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