Wednesday 28 April 2010

Milk shots!

First mock ups of the current experiments for my milk carton project. I'm quite happy with the way they've come out and would like to shoot them with some stripey straws to compliment the colours.

Hovis snaps!

Some of the first snaps of the Hovis prints, I haven't added the new label designs yet! Will add them later.

Close up shots!

Close up shots of Alice Designs.

Alice shots!

Having printed off my Alice project designs I decided to attempt to shoot them in a context relative to the content of the book, obviously I will shoot them in a context relative to the actual product too, but these are the first shots from said shoot.


Continuing experimenting with the colours.


Here is how I'm planning on having the back of the labels.

And this is how they'll correlate to the front of their label.

Hovis labels!

For the backing design to my labels, I want to put each of the official Hovis facts from their website onto the backs of these to give a light selection of information towards the audience.

Wether to put each of the facts of Hovis on one label each.

Debating wether to put the main header of each on separate label like below.


Hovis label ideas cont.

Below heres a proposed design for the label booklet, although I wish to put more information about the Hovis Franchise so I think I will begin to experiment with making each label double sided so that information can be added.

Hovis label ideas!

Below, a few quick diagrams on how I want the labels to work out, a single ribbon tied through them to join them all together and attached to the product!


While I have decided on the final pattern and began experimenting with different applications, I wanted to create a tag or a label for the two final applications, the tea towel print and the oven glove print, as before I had created a few examples of ideas for the labels taking images from the pattern itself but I wasn't overly happy with the way they'd turned out, so while backtracking through the initial ideas of my Hovis brief, I have decided to investigation using these original ideas as ideas for labels.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Hovis Applications!

Now the pattern itself has been created,  the application is the next point, although I don't need to psychically make these myself I can imply then!

The Plate idea below with various colour combinations of the pattern applied.

The applications to aprons!

And the luncbox application!

Monday 26 April 2010

More milk!

Using a hand rendered typeface I've experimented with different flavours of the milk rather than just general types of milk.